10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Deadpool

2. Most Of The Comics Suck

One of the major issues with Deadpool as a character hasn't so much been Wade Wilson himself, but the stories he appears in. Simply put, most of the Deadpool comics have been sort of terrible. He's a fan-favourite character thanks to his fourth wall-busting antics, being all self-referential and all, but for the most part he's been the victim of fairly empty-headed plotting and characterisation. The character's gone through a resurgence as of late, thanks to the Duggan/Posehn writing team and original Walking Dead artist Tony Moore, but that's been a high point after a decade or so of lows. The concept of Deadpool doesn't lend itself easily to an ongoing book, and frequently he gets stretched way too thin between multiple titles at a time. Deapdool is a great idea for a superhero in search of a proper story. Sometimes he's a straight action hero, sometimes he's used for broad pop culture parody (as in Joe Kelly's run), sometimes he's played straight and he's indistinguishable from a dozen similar X-Men characters. Hopefully the film will have an original storyline, cos not one of the arcs from the comic is a classic.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/