10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Green Goblin

7. Norman And Harry Weren't The Only Goblins

Green Goblin Phil Urich
Marvel Comics

The Green Goblin may have started out as Norman Osborn's supervillain alter-ego, but he's by no means the only person to have donned the glider and battled it out with Spider-Man. A troubled Harry Osborn would take on the identity in response to his father's death, adding a whole new kind of terror to the dynamic between the Goblin and Spidey, but that's another storyline fans will be familiar with.

To this day, Norman and Harry's time as the Goblin remains the best use of the supervillain in Marvel's history. However, even after both characters were killed off in the early seventies further figures would take on the mantle. Unsurprisingly, none managed to make the same impact.

The next person to take on the Goblin identity after Harry's demise was Doctor Bart Hamilton, who served as the younger Osborn's therapist during his time as the Green Goblin. Hamilton is later killed by Harry during a battle with Spider-Man, never to return.

After Hamilton came Phil Urich, the nephew of Daily Bugle reporter and Daredevil confidant Ben Urich. Phil recovers Harry's tools and uses the identity to become a superhero, but later retires the mantle after a battle gone wrong. A fifth Goblin was then created by Norman after his return from the dead in order to deflect suspicion from the public, but it disintegrated during a confrontation with Spider-Man.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.