10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About The Fantastic Four
2. Their Countless Tacky Redesigns
Superhero costumes all go through changes at one point or another, with some always adhering to the same basic template, and others going off in wildly different directions to either indicate a change to the hero or to suit an artist's style better.
...or because the artists wants to draw boobs. That's also another reason.
The Fantastic Four have gone through multiple redesigns over the years. Hell they didn't even HAVE uniforms at the beginning - fans had to browbeat Lee and Kirby into giving them suits. But the suits Kirby created are some of the best designs he ever crafted. Simplistic yet striking, the Fantastic Four suits are now a vital part of their identity.
But that wasn't good enough for many artists, who proceeded to needlessly tweak what wasn't broken. Sometimes you'd get a good retooling of the classic suits like Mike Wieringo's design of the suits during the Mark Waid run, or you had drastically different designs that worked like gangbusters, as seen with the ones seen in Future Foundation.
And then sometimes you got Sue basically wearing a bikini, Reed putting nineties pouches on his suit, and Ben wearing a stupid looking helmet for even stupider reasons.