10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About Thor

10. The Entire Arc Where He Fought Thanos

The mad titan Thanos is one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe even when he doesn€™t have the reality-warping powers of The Infinity Gauntlet in his big purple paws. After all, he managed to track down and steal all of the Infinity Stones in the first place, and he€™s routinely laid waste to entire civilisations (just look at Drax€™s backstory). Which means that the story arc which appeared in Dan Jurgens and John Romita Jr.€™s early 2000€™s Thor #21-#25 is rather unbelievable, because Thor manages to best Thanos in single battle without much effort at all. Especially because Thanos€™s main evil deed within the story (besides trying to destroy the universe) is making a woman cry. The story was so bad, and both Peter David and creator of Thanos himself Jim Starlin objected so strongly to it, that both retconned the story within an inch of its life soon after: David explained that this was actually a clone called Thanosi, and Starlin just decided to erase the story from existence altogether.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/