10 Things You Didn't Know About Darkseid

3. He Once Worked With The Justice League

Darkseid Superman
DC Comics

It's hard to imagine Darkseid ever working with the good guys. Villains have joined the side of good before, but Darkseid carries a certain stigma that would normally just make it far too awkward to consider.

That was before Cosmic Odyssey and Justice League Odyssey, of course. Both books' premises dealt with teams of heroes forming their own intergalactic version of the Justice League in order to deal with a rising cosmic threat.

The canonicity of Cosmic Odyssey is up in the air since the DC universe has had two reboots since its release, but Justice League Odyssey, arguably an homage to the classic maxi series, shares the plot point of Darkseid being put on his backfoot and needing the good guys' help.

Darkseid formed an alliance with the intergalactic League that could be very generously described as uneasy. Of course, it was all a plot by the evil New God to amass more power for himself in order to rewrite reality to suit his whims, but the Justice League had their reasons for needing to use him, and were ready when the time came. Well, as ready as you can be when you're going up against Darkseid and you have an inconvenient lack of Superman on your side, but hey, it all worked out.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?