10 Things You Didn't Know About Thor

3. Ultimate Thor Survived The Death Of A Universe

Thunderer Thorlief
Marvel Comics

Marvel's Ultimate Universe was, in many ways, the company's hottest property back at the turn of the millennium.

Founded with the intent of providing a modern update to some of the Marvel Universe's ageing properties, Brian Bendis, Mark Millar and a bunch more ended up constructing a world that felt authentic, different and politically salient. One hero who received a modern makeover was Thor, who was brought to life by Millar in the pages of The Ultimates - the new universe's equivalent of the Avengers and one emphatically littered with shady characters from top to bottom.

By 2008 things were beginning to crack however, and Marvel - sensing the impending demise of what, at that point at least, had been their brightest creative outlet - decided to pull the plug shortly after. The universe was subsequently ripped apart in the abominable Ultimatum, and Thor - being the God of Thunder - was the few to make it out alive.

Years would pass, and in 2015 the character found himself at the centre of Marvel's latest inter-dimensional romp, Secret Wars. Teaming up with all the other Thors of the Universe, the newly named Thunderer Thorlief set about solving the murders of the many Donald Blakes and Jane Fosters to have found themselves on Battleworld.

Discovering that another Thor (called Rune) and a new, godlike Doctor Doom were behind the murders, Thorlief stormed the castle and was killed, fighting for his fellow Thors.

You know what they say, if it's not the universe-altering event that gets you, then it'll be Doctor Doom instead.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.