During the Underworld Unleashed event, a demon named Nekron traveled to Earth and started offering super villains their hearts desire in exchange for their soul. Many villians took Nekron up on his offer; Lex Luthor was given a mane of flowing locks, Killer Croc was given all the fish sticks he could handle, Professor Zoom finally had a costume that wouldnt chafe and Joker got some Cuban cigars. One of those is actually true, Ill let you figure out which one. Deadshot also accepts the offer, making a literal deal with the devil. He is grouped with other assassins and promised the power to kill his enemies if they spread mayhem for Nekron. Each member is told to execute their dream assassination. Deadshot, being the master death-bringer that he is, decides to aim high and blow up a classroom of kindergarten students. Yes, you read that correctly. You would think that blowing up a kindergarten full of kids is actually something that seems pretty feasible for a man with Deadshots ability but, nope, for some reason, thats what his heart desired. I mean, its not like kindergartners provide any real challenges, what with their disproportionate bodies and tendency to poop in urinals. Luckily, Deadshot is stopped from becoming the most hated person on (a fictional) earth. He then goes on to try and eliminate the Pope. Why would Deadshot choose a kindergarten class as his dream assassination? Because life is brutality, visited upon the innocent and helpless and only death can make it meaningful. Yes, this was Deadshots poem for the world, because this was a time in which Lawton was wearing a lot of eye-liner and telling his mum to GO AWAY! as he lied on his bed, listening to The Cure (thats what depressed teenagers listen to, right?). Are there any other facts about Deadshot that are not well known? Let us know below.