10 Times Batman Was Forced To Kill

2. Leaving The KGBeast To Starve

On the other end of the spectrum is the KGBeast. Whilst Superman is often held up as being the icon of truth, justice and the American way (as well as being a good example of the US's history of immigration and illegal aliens helping build the country), Batman is perhaps closer to what the country actually is. Rich, powerful, obsessed with unnecessarily flashy cars. Which will be why he was selected to do battle with KGBeast, a Russian-created supervillain designed to bring down Western decadence. If this sounds suspiciously close to the plot of Rock IV, that's because it 100% is. It only really diverts from that tried-and-tested Cold War formula at the ending, since Rocky Balboa never locked Ivan Drago in an underground bunker so that he'd starve to death. Which is how the initial confrontation between Batman and the KGBeast ends, after the Caped Crusader realises he can't best his enemy in a purely physical competition. So he breaks his gun-arm, lures him into the sewers below Gotham City, and explains he hasn't the time to fight him. He tells his CIA contact the Beast won't be a problem any more, and Alfred drives him home.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/