10 Times Batman Was A Total Jerk‏

7. Everything He Does In Arkham City


In Arkham Asylum, the first in Rocksteady's series of Batman games, you can forgive the caped crusader's antics. Besides the supervillains who certainly deserve a good kicking, there are the scores of henchmen who patrol around the hallways of the home for the criminally insane, ready for some lycra-clad superhero to come swinging out of the darkness, punching them in the face, and then stringing them upside down from a gargoyle. That's probably part of the job description or something. They know what they're getting themselves into.

You know who doesn't? All the people he viciously attacks in Arkham City, the second Rocksteady game. They aren't necessarily innocent victims, since the reason they're in the huge prison complex in the first place is because... well, they're criminals. Still, these random inmates are just sort of minding their own business, serving their time in this weird crazy city prison that somebody thought was a good idea, because we guess they never saw Escape From New York.

Regardless, Batman thinks it's totally fine to do the swing down, punch, stringing up routine to these people who, yes, are convicted criminals, but haven't done anything to him. Well, some of them will attack him, but a lot of the time it's Batman who swings the first punch. Which means not only would he totally get done for assault, but also that he's a complete and utter jerkwad.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/