10 Times Batman Was FORCED To Work With Villains

4. Penguin - Batman #58-60 (2019)

Batman Penguin
DC Comics / Mikel Janin

Since the 1940s, Oswald 'Penguin' Cobblepot has proven to be one Batman's most daunting foes (despite the fact he is armed with an umbrella, a top hat, and occasionally, an ostrich). Because of their bitter rivalry, it's hard to picture this diminutive crime boss seeing seeing eye-to-eye with his arch-enemy on any matter.

But, to paraphrase an old saying - the enemy of my enemy is my friend and Batman. In the City of Bane saga, the titular villain orchestrated a master plan to destroy Batman, which involved teaming up with multiple criminals, including Penguin. But after Bane's forces killed Cobblepot's wife (a literal penguin called Penny), he asked for Batman's help to bring down the relentless brute.

After he informed Batman that Bane was using Arkham Asylum as his base, Bats headed to the institution while Penguin hid in The Batcave for his own protection. Sadly, Batman and Penguin's alliance didn't last long since the Batcave was discovered by Bane's partner - Thomas Wayne from another universe. (It'll take way too long to explain why Batman's father was working with Bane so let's just leave it at that.)


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