10 Times Batman Was The WORST Superhero

9. Becoming A Heroin Addict

When Batman came up against a mysterious organisation known as The Black Hand, they formulated a plan to take down The Dark Knight by drugging him so far out of his mind that he would forget who he was. If it sounds ridiculous, then you probably won't be surprised to learn that it happened when Grant Morrison was writing Batman, but what happened next is easily one of Batman's most embarrassing moments.

You see, it turns out that Bruce Wayne always knew one of his enemies would try to pull a stunt like this, so he created the Batman of Zur-En-Arhh, a panic room of sorts in his psyche where his mind could retreat if things became too much for him. The problem was that it turned him into a violent and out of control lunatic stumbling around Gotham City looking for his next heroin fix, hardly the actions of a superhero. Of all the ways Batman could and should have handled being drugged, it turns out that saving himself by becoming as insane as The Joker was his master plan.

For a hero who is this resilient, seeing him fall victim to a bit of heroin in such an extreme way is truly cringeworthy, especially as it unleashed a lunatic on the city he's supposed to protect. Who knows how many people Zur-En-Arhh could have hurt had things gone differently!

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