10 Times Batman Was The WORST Superhero

5. Conspiring Against The Justice League

Batman isn't exactly someone who puts a lot of faith or trust in even his closest of allies, but after working with the Justice League for years, you have to wonder why he'd create an arsenal of weapons to take them out! That's exactly what he has in the Batcave anyway, and The Dark Knight is so arrogant that he's never really taken into account the downsides of keeping that stuff lying around.

Yes, he's just a man, but when the hero has the means to stop heavy hitters like Superman and Wonder Woman in their tracks, Batman could become the most dangerous person in the DC Universe if he were to fall under the control of a psychic bad guy. The danger of keeping tabs on his fellow heroes became evident in the Tower of Babel storyline when Ra's al Ghul got his hands on Batman's files and used them to take down every member of the Justice League.

Needless to say, they were all furious with his betrayal, especially as it had put the world in danger. While you can understand why he'd want to be cautious, the fact that Batman risks so many lives because he's unable to trust those around him is far from heroic and generally just a real d*ck move. After all, it's not exactly like the Batcave is the most secure of locations as plenty of villains have found their way in over the years!

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