10 Times Batman Was The WORST Superhero

3. Making Robin Live Off Rats In The Batcave

I've already mentioned the fact that the All-Star Batman is a seriously f***ed up dude, but after essentially kidnapping Robin following the death of his parents and labelling him a "retard", the Caped Crusader takes the traumatised youngster back to his Batcave and leaves him to fend for himself.

That includes having to capture and eat live rats, something you just know is further psychologically scarring Batman's future sidekick. In fact, the "hero" is so infuriated to learn that Alfred has taken the poor boy a burger and fries, he physically assaults his butler and chastises him for showing Dick any sort of kindness or mercy. It's just so twisted!

Things do get at least a little better from there, but Batman still treats Robin pretty appallingly throughout, and it's not hard to see why Frank Miller and Jim Lee's take on the Caped Crusader here has become one of the most unpopular in history (they even revealed that he suffers from premature ejaculation at one point). Regardless, as levels of douchebaggery go, child abuse definitely makes Batman stand out as a real jerk.

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