10 Times Captain America "Died"

9. Murdered By Hydra

And everybody knows that that was a mistake, because Captain America had in fact been frozen in Alaskan ice for decades and was since thawed out, miraculously free of hypothermia thanks to his Super-Soldier Serum or something like that. He managed five years of steady service on the Avengers before Hydra finally caught up with him again. In 1969€™s Captain America #111, he foolishly agreed to meet Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD at an abandoned theme park, because obviously that€™s the sort of place that spies meet and not the location of every other Scooby Doo villain€™s hideout. Inevitably, it turned out to be an ambush, with Hydra agents getting Cap alone and shooting him. Shooting him to DEATH. He€™s chased into a nearby body of water by a robot called Mankiller (Hydra is bad at naming things), shot at some more, and police recover a tattered mask full of bullet holes. Soon after it turns out that he has faked his death to convince people that Steve Rogers wasn€™t Captain America. So...good job?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/