10 Times Captain America Got Very Political

7. Cap Resigns During The Reagan Administration

Captain America #332 saw Steve standing up to the Commission on Superhuman Activities. They claimed that because the Captain America identity, costume, and shield were created by the government that they were their property. They told Steve he could only continue using them if he was willing to acquiesce to their terms or compensate the government. Steve spent the issue contemplating what he should do and in the end, he made the decision to resign from being Captain America. What makes this political is Steve's reasoning for abandoning the shield; he felt that, in addition to forcing him to leave the Avengers, that the Reagan administration would force him to work for their terms. One of the things Cap wondered the government would have him do is going to fight alongside the Contras in Nicaragua, leading to an image of Cap with a gun shooting villagers. It's not as overtly partisan as some of the others on this list, but the message is clear - although he began his career as a soldier under FDR, Cap didn't feel comfortable filling that same role under Reagan.

Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com