10 Times Captain America Outsmarted Everyone

6. Evading Iron Man (And The Entire U.S Government)

Captain America Hiding
Marvel Comics

When you have Iron Man, Spider-Man, a cloned Thor and most of the American civil service after you, you'd imagine being able to hide would be quite difficult - especially while trying to carry out covert guerilla operations on the very same people hunting you down.

All of this is exactly why Captain America should get significantly more credit than he does for managing to keep out of the clutches of his many pursuers during the events of Civil War - even if many of his teammates aren't as lucky. Cap goes as far as to don a mustachioed disguise for a portion of the comic, launching into some spy-film level antics in order to avoid those who would do anything to catch him.

Although ultimately Steve gives himself up to Tony and the government, it's only after he realises he's hurting the people he sought to protect - meaning he could have gone on playing cat-and-mouse with some of the smartest people in the world for longer, had he had reason to.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.