10 Times DC Went Too Far

3. Joker Slices His Face Off - Detective Comics #1

Lian Harper Death
DC Comics

Scott Snyder's run on Batman and Tony S. Daniels' run on Detective Comics were both highlights of the New 52, but there were definitely times when they both could crank up the dark for no apparent reason.

The most famous example of this from Snyder and Daniels' tenure is from the lead up to the otherwise excellent Death of the Family storyline. Specifically Detective Comics #1, where The Joker allows Batman to capture him and send him to Arkham, where he then gets in contact with the villain Dollmaker. Why? Because he wanted Dollmaker to slice his face off!

If you're waiting for why he does this, you're gonna be waiting here for a while.

Oh sure he gives some kind of rambling explanation when he returns in Death Of The Family about how it's symbolic of how low he's truly sunk. But Batman Endgame did the same thing and it had about zero face slicing (on the contrary, he brainwashed the Justice League to attack Bruce, which was amazing).

There's just no reason as to why this was the best course of action to symbolize this new depth of depravity for the Joker besides Daniels wanting something grotesque to end his debut issue on. At least he had the good sense to ascribe this act to the Joker, whose actions don't really need to make sense.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?