10 Times Joker Outsmarted Everyone

8. Getting Superman To Kill Lois Lane - Injustice

Joker Batman Catwoman Wedding
DC Comics

More than anything, Injustice is a series about just how bad the world could get if any of the Joker's plans were to actually be completely successful.

As Injustice follows an alternate universe wherein the Joker manages to make Superman kill his pregnant wife, Lois Lane, by subjecting him to a toxin that makes the Man of Steel think that she's Doomsday. Launching his supposed enemy into outer space, Superman realises just too late that something is wrong, leaving him confronted with the sight of his dead wife after the toxin wears off.

Not only does this mean the Joker well and truly outsmarted Superman, but the ensuing chaos means he outsmarted pretty much everyone on Earth, by creating a scenario that he knew would cause conflict between the world's superheroes.


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