10 Times Joker Outsmarted Everyone

6. Breaking His Own Neck - Dark Knight Returns

Joker Batman Catwoman Wedding
DC Comics

While breaking your own neck doesn't sound like the world's best way to get one over on your worst enemy, against all logical odds the Joker manages to pull this off, snapping his spinal chord in order to get one last victory over the Dark Knight.

After all, with their final fight taking place in a dark cave containing only the two of them, few are likely to believe that Batman didn't just finally snap and decide to just murder his long-time rival. Indeed, with the Dark Knight Returns being set in a future where most people are struggling to trust in the Bat, the Joker's last deed ensures that this distrust remains alive and well forever.

Even though it's not a very conventional victory, the Clown Prince of Crime's suicide can definitely be seen as a last laugh of sorts - albeit one intermingled with a bunch of gross neck crunching noises.


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