10 Times Spider-Man Has Been Outwitted

6. Kraven Beats Spider-Man At His Own Game - Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 #294

Spider Man Tombstone
Marvel Comics/Mike Zeck

Released in 1987, written by J.M. DeMatteis and pencilled by Mike Zeck, many consider this comic to be Kraven the Hunter's finest hour. Kraven, born Sergei Kravinoff, is a Russian supervillain with superhuman powers who hunts his victims for sport - and sees Spider-Man as the ultimate big game.

After years of trying and failing to catch his elusive quarry, Kraven retreats into the shadows - until finally, near the end of his life, he decides to dedicate himself to one last hunt to prove himself stronger than Spider-Man.

While fighting Spider-Man head-on never went well for Kraven, this plan was very different - after stunning Spider-Man with a poisoned dart, instead of going in for the kill, he dressed in a Spider-Suit of his own and took to the streets. By the time Spider-Man awoke and found Kraven, the Hunter had already caught a terrifying rat-man named Vermin - a beast Spider-Man had never managed to capture without help in the past.

By defeating Vermin when Spider-Man never could, he has finally proven himself as the superior hunter, and ends his own life soon after, satisfied that he fulfilled his ultimate goal. A hollow victory? Maybe. But a victory nonetheless.


Movie nut, comic fan, and seeker of forbidden lore. (By which I mean whatever Marvel was doing in the 90s.)