10 Times Spider-Man Was A Real Jerk

6. Kissed Gwen Stacy's Daughter - Sins Remembered

Spider-Man Carol Danvers
Marvel Comics

JMS' run on Spider-Man is 90% remembered fondly, but that 10% - representing the back to back awfulness that is Sins Past and Sins Remembered, plus the aforementioned One More Day - is quite the albatross around the run's neck.

There is so much wrong with these two stories it borders on the insane, but the part I would like to focus on here is when Peter parker crossed a particular moral line.

So during this story, we learn that Gwen Stacy actually had two kids with Norman Osborn - I know, I know, please hold your vomit for later because I haven't gotten to the worst part yet. So naturally trouble tends to follow these two kids around like the plague, and eventually one of them - Sarah - goes to Peter for help in saving her sibling Gabriel.

During this time, Sarah finds herself attracted to Peter, and this is probably the point where I should explain that Norman accelerated Sarah and Gabriel's ageing process for kicks and/or giggles, so while they look like they're in their 20s, they are both still technically 10 years old.

So you can imagine Mary Jane's surprise when she walks in on Peter making out with Sarah. You may vomit now.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?