10 Times Spider-Man Won A Fight He Should Have Lost

9. The Original Spider-Slayer

Iron Man vs Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

J. Jonah Jameson is a veteran newsman, but that doesn't mean he has a firm grasp of journalistic ethics. He's never been shy about making the news instead of simply reporting it, for example.

Consider his obsession with capturing Spider-Man, and the long string of Spider-Slayer robots that he spent good money to help him do so.

During the earliest days of Amazing Spider-Man, Jameson routinely hired crackpot inventor Spencer Smythe to build robots designed specifically to capture Spider-Man. The first of these robots debuted in Amazing Spider-Man #25 in 1965.

That first robot sported coils designed to trap Spider-Man, could climb walls, and its metal skin was designed so that Spidey's webs slipped right off it.

Spider-Man is smart, fast and strong, but this robot was built specifically to capture him. During the first encounter with an equally fast, nearly indestructible robot Spider-Man should have been defeated.

And he was... sort of. The first Spider-Slayer did eventually trap Spider-Man, ensnaring the hero in its coils. But Spidey found a not-so-well-hidden control panel, popped it open and disabled the robot, escaping before Smythe and Jameson arrived on the scene.

To sum up: If Smythe had been nearly as clever in hiding his robot's control panel as he was in designing it, Spidey would have been captured and defeated. The scientist wasn't, and Spider-Man caught a lucky break.

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Dan Rafter has worked as a freelance journalist for more than 20 years. He has written for everyone from the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune to Mental Floss, BusinessWeek Online and Consumers Digest. You can find more by him at his comic's Web site, CareersinComics.