10 Times Spider-Man Won A Fight He Should Have Lost

7. A Misunderstanding With The Silver Surfer


The Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe. But in 1970, in the pages of his own comic book, no less, the Surfer more than had his silver hands full tangling with Spider-Man in one of those classic Marvel Comics battles arising from a misunderstanding.

In Silver Surfer #14 in 1970, the former herald of Galactus is injured after saving the earth from a meteor strike. This might explain why he had so much trouble with Spider-Man after the wallcrawler mistakenly identifies the Surfer as a threat.

During their fight, Spider-Man manages to knock the Surfer off his famed surfboard more than once. The Surfer does wrap a car around Spidey, but Spider-Man gets out of that trap quickly, and is ready to continue the fight.

The battle finally ends when Spider-Man sees the Silver Surfer risk his own life to save that of a child's.

Now, it's not clear that Spider-Man would have won this fight, and the Silver Surfer was already weakened by the time he took on Spidey. But the fact that Spider-Man was able to hold his own against the former herald is hard enough to believe.

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Dan Rafter has worked as a freelance journalist for more than 20 years. He has written for everyone from the Washington Post and Chicago Tribune to Mental Floss, BusinessWeek Online and Consumers Digest. You can find more by him at his comic's Web site, CareersinComics.