10 Times Superheroes Became Public Enemy Number One

7. Cable - Various

Spider-Man Gun
Marvel Comics

Cable is a weird example of a superhero who became public enemy number one, in that he also becomes his own biggest enemy. This is because Stryfe - the villain Cable spends much of his comic career hunting - turns out to be a clone of the hero himself, meaning that this whole time the illustrious ne'er-do-well is none other than another version of our hero.

Naturally, this gives Cable something of a small crisis, as he manages to be basically the last person to know about his secret clone, despite continually bumping into him since the pair were children.

It also made Cable himself public enemy number one a fair few times, as Stryfe would pretend to be his doppelgänger in both X-Force and the Cable series, which would convince many that Cable was also a villain.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.