10 Times Superheroes Totally Failed‏

2. Superman Goes On Holiday, Toyman Kills Kids

Clark Kent was feeling pretty happy when he came back to life after being seemingly killed by Doomsday/a publicity stunt in the Death of Superman storyline. So chuffed, in fact, that he promptly whisked Lois Lane off on a romantic holiday to France. In all the excitement he seemed to forget that he was supposed to be a damn superhero, and shirking his responsibilities had some dire consequences. Back in Metropolis - whilst Lois and Clark were drinking wine, eating croissants and wearing Super-Berets - long-time Superman villain the Toyman enacted his deadliest plan yet. Where usually Winslow Schott wasn't a particularly dangerous villain, causing trouble with his hi-tech toys, in this case he had just got out of prison and had gone a little wrong. Wrong in this case meaning "the voice of his dead mother told him to kidnap a load of children". With Superman nowhere to be found one of the kids - Adam Grant, son of Lois and Clark's colleague Cat Grant - tries to escape Toyman's clutches, angering the villain and causing him to murder all the kids. Superman eventually catches up with him and sticks Schott in jail, but those kids aren't coming back. Hope you enjoyed the Eiffel Tower, Super-Jerk.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/