10 Times Supervillains Killed Other Villains

3. Magneto Kills Apocalypse - Age Of Apocalypse

Doctor Doom Thanos Secret Wars
Marvel Comics

X-Men fans know that it takes a lot to take down Apocalypse. En Sabah Nur has been terrorising the globe for thousands of years, aided by the gifts of immortality and Celestial technology. Even when he has died in the comics, it's never too long until he returns. Because y'know, he's persistent like that. He's a supervillain, why shouldn't he be?

Even though the X-Men and the Brotherhood have found it difficult to put a permanent end to Apocalypse whenever they've crossed paths, one of their best triumphs over the character occurred in one of Marvel's most infamous alternate realities - the Age of Apocalypse.

Age of Apocalypse was one of the biggest X-Men events of the 1990s, and kicked off when Professor X's son, Legion, travelled back in time in a bid to kill Magneto... only to accidentally kill his own father and leave no one to stop Apocalypse from taking over the planet. (Nice going, David.)

In a twist, however, this reality vomits up a new leader of the X-Men in a more moderate Magneto. Come the end of the event, Erik fought Apocalypse one-on-one and, using all his powers, ripped the ancient tyrant apart, killing him in the process.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.