10 Times The Avengers Ruined Peter Parker’s Life

2. Making Him Reveal His Secret Identity - Civil War

Spider-Man Captain America
Marvel Comics

Initially, having Peter reveal his secret identity in Civil War seems like the smartest idea Iron Man and his faction of the Avengers could have had. After all, as the youngest superhero they have on their roster - and the one who has protected his identity most fiercely - it makes the most sense from a political standpoint to have Spider-Man be the first to publically reveal himself.

But really, this decision lands the hero in some insanely hot water. Not only does it place Parker's family in huge danger - which was, you know, the entire reason that he decided to put on a mask in the first place - but it also means that he's now unable to escape the media spotlight placed upon him. This proves all too dangerous when Aunt May gets shot at the end of Civil War: The Amazing Spider-Man, due to Peter's secret identity now being public knowledge.

While this is all well and good for billionaire Tony Stark, as he has enough money that he could buy himself privacy whenever he needed to, life for the comparatively ordinary Parker could have been permanently ruined due to this publicity stunt.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.