10 Times The Justice League Ruined Superman's Life

7. Letting Lex Luthor Take His Name - Action Comics #957

Wonder Woman Superman
DC Comics

Generally, when someone takes over a superhero mantle like Batman or Spider-Man, they do so because they're either very close to said former superhero, or because they have the same powers.

And yet somehow Action Comics #957 sees Lex take over the Superman title, despite having no superpowers and spending the majority of his life being the determined rival of Clark Kent himself.

Despite Lex's claim to being the new Superman being seemingly broadcast all over the world, the Justice League are notably absent, despite the fact that it should be the biggest insult in the world to them that he is wearing the outfit of their beloved dead friend. Instead, it's left up to an alternate universe Superman to show Lex the error of his ways - making things significantly more complicated than if, say, Batman had just rocked up, and told him to stop it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.