10 Unbelievable Times Batman Beat Superman

4. World's Finest #240

Superman/Batman The Trust
DC Comics

The Silver Age of Comics was the wild west for DC, and I don't just mean that in that there were entirely too many cowboy comics during that time. Literally, anything could, and probably did happen. For example, one of the first instances of Batman becoming a rebel against a tyrannical Superman was actually from this time, and in true Silver Age fashion it was...weird.

In this story, Kal-El is pressured into assuming the leadership role of the shrunken city of Kandor. And, in a twist that I'm sure will never be copied by cynical edgelords decades later, almost immediately becomes an emotionally erratic tyrant over the poor Kandorians. Sensing that they perhaps made a mistake, the Kandorians call in Batman to deal with the problem. Bruce agrees, and soon discovers the true root of the Man of Steel's turn to evil; the monstrous creature responsible for corrupting Superman into a vicious fascist tyrant: a cat from outer space!

If you caught that reference, congratulations, you have officially watched way too many Disney movies.

So anyway, through a hilariously convoluted series of misdirections, Batman manages to get the cat off of Supes and get him back to his senses. Basically the same conclusion as the previous entry, but nicer: "I am smarter than you, and thank god because who else could have deduced an alien cat?"


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?