10 Unbelievable Times Comic Book Villains Were Unmasked

1. The Heretic

Mysterio unmasked
DC Comics

When it's casually mentioned that The Heretic is a recent clone of Damian, you naturally assume the two are identical, or that the villain is an aged-up Damian, given his larger build.

Then The Heretic's face armour is broken open, and you have to come to terms with the fact that he legitimately has the face of a baby Damian, which suddenly makes his gruesome injury seem a whole lot less deserved.

There's something totally unnerving about the fact that Talia Al Ghul clearly cared so little for the clone that she gave him an adult's body, and the face of a preschooler - and it makes you have a surprising amount of sympathy for the person who brutally killed Damian Wayne.

When Batman's immediate reaction to something is the words 'Urr. God. No', you know whatever it is has to be seriously, seriously messed up. And the face of a baby, missing an eye - and with a man's body - is definitely that, even for the often grim and macabre pages of Batman's comics.

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Black Mask
DC Comics

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.