10 Unbelievable Times Comic Book Villains Were Unmasked

3. Doctor Doom

Mysterio unmasked
Marvel Comics

Of all of the dramatic reveals, perhaps the most unconventional is the reveal of Doctor Doom - who we have repeatedly been told has been horrifically deformed underneath his mask - only for it to be revealed that his face is actually more or less fine. He has a gnarly scar up one side of his face, sure, but when compared to facial scars like that of Deadpool or Two Face, it looks more like a cat scratch than anything bad.

This arguably creates one of the most interesting insights into Doctor Doom's character to date. The mixture of self-adoration and self-loathing that it would take to consider his wounded face 'too horrible to look upon' is frankly insane, not to mention a sure sign that Doom's evil schemes are more the work of an unstable mind than an inherently vicious one.

In a suitably ironic turn, after this Doom would build one of his iconic Doom masks to hide this scar, and then make it much worse by placing the red-hot mask onto his skin - making the scarring a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.