10 Underrated Supervillains Who Deserved Better

8. Tommy

Spider-Man Ezekiel
Marvel Comics

For a character who looks like she's been dunked in a tub of tie-dye, Tommy not only doesn't get a cool mutant name, but also only features as the first mutant to die in the Mutant Massacre X-Men series, which is also her only appearance.

While Tommy is the epitome of a one-and-done character, her design and powers alone actually have a lot of promise in the Marvel Universe.

Tommy has the ability to turn 2D, making her body as flat as a piece of paper, which initially sounds kind of useless until you remember that one of the most powerful mutants in the universe basically has all the powers of a magnet.

Tommy's powers not only means she could dodge the vast majority of attacks, but also that she could get in to basically any place she wanted to.

Combine this potential with her unique and interesting appearance, and you start to wonder why nobody looked at Tommy and considered she had a little more potential than an immediate death.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.