10 Weird And Wonderful Alternate Versions Of Spider-Man
Remember that time Spider-Man became a cat? We sure do...

Spider-Man is certainly capable of a lot of different things, and over the many years of being in both the Marvel and the public spotlight he’s been many different things too - weird things.
Plenty of different writers have taken the helm of the good ship Spider-Man, each with their own vision and interpretation of how Peter Parker could best tell a story. Whether they've changed his history, his morality, or even something as subtle as his uniform, the changes can be small or significant.
Though as anyone aware of 'The Butterfly Effect' can attest to, even the tiniest alterations can change things radically. Marvel and many others have shown this in practice and displayed that with a great character comes a great responsibility to make things as bizarre as possible.
An example of how bizarre this can be is a version of Peter Parker called ‘Sheep-Boy’, who was bitten by a radioactive sheep. All he did was eat grass. It was a pretty baaahd character. If you groaned at that you haven't seen anything yet.
So yeah, things are going to get a bit a little odd. With that in mind here are a few cases that may very well be some of the most weird and wonderful iterations of Spider-Man.
10. Spider-Cat
He's a cat. A cat with Spider-Man powers... is that not enough? Seemingly granted powers via the Spider Totem, Spider-Cat is your average, run of the mill cat by day and a crime fighter...also by day.
Though he may have entered the fray mostly as a joke character in Spider-Island volume 11, Spider-Cat has some interesting aspects to him.
After all, there's an old saying that no hero is as good as his villain, so what would people say about Spider-Cat's arch-nemesis 'Venom Pigeon'? That it was utterly stupid? No, they would say it was brilliant; because it is. Through a variety of scuffles and fights unseen by the reader, Spider-Cat had lost several of his nine lives to Venom Pigeon, so you know he has to be as badass as he sounds.
Sadly we never see a climactic final battle between these adversaries as Spider-Cat met his end in the Amazing Spider-Man during the Spider-Verse story arc. Bora and Brix caught him during The Great Hunt and absorbed his life energy, not before mocking him a little, of course. Probably wouldn't have happened to a Spider-Dog though.