10 Weird Marvel Villains You Won't Believe Exist
They may not be the baddest, but they're certainly the strangest.

Marvel have created some classic villains over the years. From the Red Skull to the Green Goblin, they are characters whose cool designs and powers have ensured that they've stuck around through the decades to menace their archenemies.
They can be pretty weird though. Heck, one of Marvel's strongest villains is a planet eating giant in a purple antler helmet and he's one of the good ones. A lot of the House of Idea's villains aren't even that lucky.
Most superheroes have fought hundreds, if not thousands of enemies over the course of their respective comics and it can be a real struggle for each one to stand out from the rest of the costumed criminals. This has led to writers pulling out some pretty strange ideas for new villains.
With a mix of outrageous costumes and bizarre powers, these characters exist in a sort of awkward middle ground of the Marvel Universe. They're too weird to ever be considered a major part of any heroes rogues' gallery and yet too unique to ever be chucked on the same pile of rejects along with the likes of the Termite (when you're a poor man's Melter, you definitely deserve to be forgotten)...
10. Bushwacker

Looking like he just stepped off the set of Videodrome, Bushwacker is an mercenary with guns for arms.
Taking one of the stranger career paths in the Marvel Universe, Carl Burbank was initially a priest before he quit his vows to join the CIA. They outfitted him with a cybernetic arm and turned him into an assassin. He eventually quit to work as a freelancer.
Bushwacker's arms are able to transform into any kind of gun, morphing from a pistol to anything from an assault rifle or a shotgun to a full on grenade launcher. Initially it was just his right arm that could transform, but he was later upgraded so that both arms could do it.
Apart from looking absolutely disgusting, the main issue with Bushwacker's powers is how the hell they're supposed to work. Sure his arm can turn into a gun, but what about ammo? Does he have to stop mid-fight to reload his arm? Really the whole thing seems needlessly elaborate for a man whose superpower boils down to "has a bunch of guns".
Also, despite one of his defining characteristics being a hatred of mutants, Bushwacker is actually mostly an enemy of Daredevil and the Punisher. Although, he did try to fight Wolverine once and got stabbed in the throat so that might explain his reluctance to tangle with the X-Men.