10 Weirdest Spider-Man Costumes

7. Spider-Man 2211

white spiderman
Marvel Comics

A lot of variant Spider-Man costumes involve extra appendages. Iron Spider, Superior Spider-Man, and Octo-Spidey all come to mind, and they all seem more organic and natural that the costume world by Max Borne, the Spider-Man from the year 2211.

He essentially has a classic Spidey-patterned dickey under a generic superhero suit, topped off with the arms of the Robot Devil from Futurama and a six-eyed helmet. If you asked an entire third-grade class for ideas for new Spider-Man outfits, then jammed them all into one design, you'd probably still get something more cohesive than this.

It's not the weirdest, but it might be the silliest.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.