10 Wild Versions Of Spider-Man That Could Actually Work On Film

3. Golden Sponge Cakes Spider-Man

Spider-Verse #2 Miles Morales Aunt May
Marvel Comics

Forget the shawarma, it's time for Marvel and Sony to serve us up some fruit pies.

Appearing primarily in Hostess ads, this version of Spider-Man doles out justice tempered with mercy, typically by distracting his opponents with delicious snacks. And not just Twinkies, as the above moniker implies. He also has a fondness for cupcakes and fruit pies, which even mainstream Spider-Man comics have alluded to on occasion.

Unfortunately, hailing from a world where evil can be overcome by sugar has its drawbacks. This version of Spider-Man has never truly had to win a fight, leading to his surprise murder at the hands of life force vampire Morlun after Spidey's trusted Twinkies failed to stop the supervillain in his tracks as they've so often done before.

Despite the sheer lunacy of everything above, it's actually the same flaw which led to Spidey's death that could ultimately justify his revival on the big screen. Into the Spider-Verse already cracked wise about Spidey's history as a marketing tool, and it's easy to assume that any inclusion in future outings would be relegated to a short cameo and a cheap joke. However, hailing from a universe where bank vaults are full of cupcakes and differences can be sorted out with enough cream filling, Hostess Spidey is arguably the most hopeful version of a character already beloved for his optimism. Perhaps he's useless in most real fights, but he could become a pivotal cheerleader for the Spider-Verse heroes at their lowest.

In the age of product placement, there's no Spidey better suited to take point in the typical third-act rallying cry.

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Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.