10 Worst Fakeout Endings In Comics

8. The World Knows Spider-Man's Secret Identity

Spider-Man Miles Morales Captain America
Marvel Comics

Mark Millar and Steve McNiven's Civil War is an arc full of monumental moments, but nothing is quite as shocking as Peter Parker publicly unmasking to reveal to the world who exactly has been under the Spider-Man get-up for all these years.

Not just was this a mind-blowing moment, Peter's unmasking was the perfect way to highlight just how much he'd been manipulated by Tony Stark. Somewhat begrudgingly agreeing with Stark's wish for all superheroes to be governed by official laws and regulations, Parker is convinced that revealing his identity to the public is the next step in furthering Iron Man's plans.

Of course, Spider-Man declaring to the world that he is Peter Parker soon puts a target on ol' Web-head and those closest to him. While the decision from Marvel Comics to take away the mystery of Spidey's secret identity was a questionable one, fans were at least intrigued to see how this major shift in the character would play out. After all, such a gigantic change in the very fundamentals of Spider-Man lore was absolutely something that would permanently stick from here on out, right?

Nah, mate. Instead, the god-awful One More Day arc lurked around the corner, where Peter would make a deal with the literal devil to sacrifice his marriage to Mary Jane in order to save Aunt May and have all knowledge of his identity wiped out of existence.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.