10 Worst Parents In Marvel History

6. Mystique

Wolverine Vs Daken
Marvel Comics

Continuing the theme of X-Men with unusual parenting styles is Mystique, whose method tends to be to just totally abandon her child at the nearest possibility.

It’s bad enough she ditches the infant Nightcrawler in the first place, but she actually tries to murder him first - by throwing him into a well, with only the efforts of his demonic dad being responsible for him growing up at all. When a literal demon is doing parenting better than you, it may be time to take a class or two.

Awkwardly, Mystique actually has a semi-successful parenting experience with her adoptive charge, Rogue. While this proves the blue badass isn’t the peak of bad parents, it does make the whole ‘murdering your child instead of raising it’ thing a little uncomfortable, as it does appear she would have been more than capable.


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