10 Worst Superman Powers Of All Time

1. Super-Producing-Tiny-Supermen-From-His-Hands

Newpower4 Right. In Superman #125, our favourite hero is caught in the blast of an exploding spaceship. This suddenly robs Superman of all of his powers, (except for invulnerability but who's counting?) and leaves the world in deadly peril. However, strange lights start emanating from Superman's fingers. Could it be a brand new power? What new marvellous ability will Superman unleash unto the- A tiny Superman just flew out of his hand... The tiny Superman has all of Superman's old powers, but he's just the teensy tiniest wickle super wuper awwww Fun fact: Big Superman HATES Little Superman. Newpower3 Look how cross he is about Little Superman! Later in the comic he sends the tiny bugger out into space to stop a Kryptonite meteor, hoping that he'll die and fade away! That's is COLD. Add Super-Jealousy to the list. Meow. Turns out that the tiny Superman does fade away, and then Superman gets all his powers back. I'm not sure what message that teaches children. Maybe 'if you kill your pet you shall become your pet' or 'tiny people aren't people'? Either way, troubling.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.