10 Worst Things Bane Has Ever Done

4. Taking Over Gotham

Bane Batman Alfred Pennyworth
DC Comics

Proving that City of Bane is truly the villain's pinnacle in terms of evil, the storyline sees what Gotham would look like under Bane's control, which can be summed up in three words: a total nightmare.

Bane allows the rest of Batman's villain roster to replace the city officials that used to run Gotham, letting the Joker and the Riddler run the Police Department, making Scarface be his personal butler, and having Firefly run the Fire Department - which now starts fires, instead of trying to combat them.

Naturally, this doesn't have wildly positive effects on the city, with average people being indiscriminately murdered left and right in order to occupy the sadistic hobbies of the Bat's worst enemies. This said, Kite Man managed to make himself a new lair in the chaos, so there is a least a single silver lining.


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