10 Worst Things Black Widow Has Ever Done
4. Almost Ending The World - Daredevil #84
Without a shadow of a doubt, Daredevil #84 is one of the weirdest experiences any Daredevil fan can face. Not only are the sci-fi elements that run throughout weird to have in a series about Daredevil, but the actual plot only serves to make everything feel even more jarring.
To put a complicated plot as simply as is possible, Daredevil #84 covers the story of a robotic assassin from the future who is sent to kill Black Widow and Daredevil, because their lives are somehow linked to the end of the world.
Though it's ambiguous towards the end of the comic whether this is in fact true, all signs point to it, at the time, being a legitimate part of the canon - meaning that the pair were in some way responsible for the destruction of all life on Earth until the assassin changed the timeline, which is neatly covered over forever afterwards, despite being a pretty huge deal.