10 Worst Things Carnage Has Ever Done

6. Becoming Mass Carnage - Carnage #4 (2011)

Carnage Cletus Kasady
Marvel Comics

Carnage becoming 'Mass Carnage' - a form that was created after Cletus assimilated with a series of artificially produced symbiotes - could be considered a crime in name alone. However, it is also notably a crime against humanity, as creating this form involved killing countless people in order to take their symbiotes.

Technically, even the symbiotes themselves are killed in this plan, as in order to assimilate with Carnage their free will has to be pretty much destroyed, leaving them semi-sentient puppets of the villain, ready to carry out their will. This means that even Carnage abandoning them in order to escape is kind of harsh, as he essentially smushes together a bunch of symbiotes, kills their ability to think for themselves, and then ollies out of the nearest available exit, having ruined countless lives.

If you're going to ruin a bunch of alien organisms lives, at least make sure to keep them as cool henchmen for a while afterwards - it's the least you could do.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.