10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

3. Murdered Unarmed Prisoners - Avengers #9 (2018)

Namor Killing
Marvel Comics

When a Roxxon whaling ship approached Atlantis, Namor seized their vessel, and had the crew imprisoned. Not wanting to cause a political storm, the Avengers ventured to Atlantis, hoping to retrieve the prisoners.

After much reluctance, Namor handed his captives over, allowing them to be transferred to a federal penitentiary in New Mexico.

Days later, Namor discovered several Atlantean children had ventured to the surface. Because the atmosphere above water is toxic to most Atlanteans, the children suffocated to death. Even though the kids could've been saved if they were tossed back in the sea or were given water to drink, onlookers failed to intervene.

Unable to quell his fury, Namor located the prison cell that his former captives resided in, and used his hydrokinetic powers to make their toilet malfunction. Since their cell was sealed, the room flooded with sewage water, drowning the prisoners.

Even though these Roxxon employees were scumbags, forcing them to choke on water filled with human waste was a ruthless method of execution. Nevertheless, it didn't seem to bother Namor, who claimed the prisoners' death was "a fitting end".

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