10 Worst Things Spider-Man Has Ever Done
1. He Didn't Stop The Burglar
Finally, there is of course one event that Spider-Man would wholeheartedly agree is the worst thing he has ever done.
When Peter Parker first gained his powers, he decided to use them to become a famous TV personality (turns out all he really needed for that though was a complete lack of self-respect). He made a name for himself by defeating wrestler Crusher Hogan and went on to star on a TV special.
However, when the producer of the special refused to pay him, Peter decided to get his revenge by deliberately doing nothing to stop a man from robbing the studio.
We all know how the story goes from there. Returning home, Peter found that his beloved Uncle Ben had been shot and killed. Spider-Man chased the killer to a nearby warehouse, only to find that it was the very same man who he had allowed to escape.
The guilt of this mistake was enough to push Peter onto a path of heroism and taught him that you should always try and do good, because sometimes doing nothing can be just as bad as doing evil.
After all, with great power comes great responsibility.