10 Worst Things Superman Has Ever Done
7. The Excessive, Brutal Beating Of Metropolis' Criminals - Triple Threat
Introduced in 1987, Gangbuster was a brutal Metropolis vigilante who patrolled the city's Suicide Slum. Jose Delgado was the man under the mask, and Gangbuster disappeared when Delgado damaged his spine.
By the time of 1989's Triple Threat story - which culminated in Adventures of Superman #450 - a new Gangbuster was cracking skulls in an even more severe, ferocious way than his predecessor.
At that point, readers were introduced to a random new character called Matt. A blonde-haired fella regularly labelled a 'daredevil' by those he interacted with, the insinuation was that Matt was Gangbuster and that he was DC Comics' spin on Marvel's Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil.
With Guardian and Superman both separately trying to locate and stop Gangbuster and his vicious attacks, the big revelation is that Superman is Gangbuster. This revelation is made when a battle with Guardian sees Gangbuster's outfit tear open to reveal the famed S symbol.
So, why did the Man of Steel decide to don a new mantle and beat the absolute piss out of the criminal element during all of this? Well, the reason for this carnage-laced rampage from Supes, was down to him having blackouts due to the guilt of having killed some alternative dimension bad guys as part of a scheme from General Zod. Throw in some nefarious brain tinkering from Braniac for good measure, and Kal-El manifested a violent vigilante persona.