10 Worst Things Superman Has Ever Done
5. Allowing The Alien Abduction Of Pete Ross' Son - To Live In Peace - Nevermore!

While certain heroes embarked on darker, more serious stories through the Bronze Age of Comics, the Superman tales of that time were often still remarkably cheesy or just outright made the Man of Steel look like a bit of a jackass.
One prime example of such jackass behaviour came during 1978's DC Comics Presents #13, with the Boy Scout taking centre-stage in a tale dubbed To Live in Peace - Nevermore! from Paul Levitz and Dick Dillin.
In this story, poor Pete Ross - as in Clark Kent's best pal, who was also a widow by this point - has his son Jon abducted by the Nyrvin alien race. If this wasn't traumatic enough for Pete, Superman actually had a chance to rescue the youngster but ultimately opted against doing so.
Upon locating Jon, Kal-El is informed by the Legion of Super-Heroes that the abduction of the kiddo is a pivotal part of ensuring peace in the future. Rather than doing what was right by his grieving high school pal - who is one of the few to know that Clark and Kal are one and the same - Supes decides to leave Jon with the Nyrvin.
It's no surprise that the fallout of this was the disintegration of Ross' relationship with Superman, and the loss of his only child resulted in Pete having a breakdown and being instituionalised.