10 Worst Things The Punisher Has Ever Done
Remember that time Frank Castle blew up the X-Men?

Over the past 45 years Frank Castle has racked up quite an impressive pile of corpses. From low level criminals to mob bosses and super powered foes, no-one is safe from this one man army. He's killed them all in various and ingenious ways, and when they've refused to stay dead, as is the way with comic books, Frank's just murdered them all over again.
But even though he lives by a twisted moral code akin to Leon's no woman, no kids idea,l there are times when even the Punisher has been responsible for acts that could be seen as questionable at best and downright horrific at worst.
From terrorising children to exploding nukes, the man with the white skull shirt is not afraid to use whatever is available to him to make sure he gets the job done, and though he is justifiable in his actions most of the time (as justifiable as you can be when gunning down people) there are other moments that make you wonder just what screws have shaking loose in his head.
He's a figure that's been revered and reviled in equal measure, but having committed so many awful acts over the years, can we really call Frank Castle a hero?
10. Traumatises A Child - Red X-Mas

When you're tucking into your mince pies and turkey each year, spare a thought for poor old Frank Castle. Crime doesn't take a holiday and neither does he - at least not since his family got dead.
In this 2004 one shot from Jimmy Palmiotti and Mark Texeira, The Punisher is not what you'd call in a Christmas mood and this is made blatantly clear within the first few pages.
It starts with Santa walking the streets outside of Tiffany's, ringing his bell. When he is approached by members of the Napolitano family he asks them to "Help the poor", and when he is turned down with a "Help them yourself", followed by an "I don't believe in Santa", he tells them that they will before pulling out a gun and ventilating them like a fine Swiss cheese.
Right in front of a child.
As the kid clings to his mother crying he asks why, only to be told that they were on Saint Nick's naughty list. Undoubtedly this scars him for life and makes sure he NEVER misbehaves, but jeez.