100 Greatest Comic Book Villains Of All Time

70. Megatron

MegatronFIRST APPEARANCE: TRANSFORMERS #1 (1984) As just about everyone knows thanks to Michael Bay's Transformers movies, Megatron is the leader of the evil robot team The Decepticons, in direct opposition to the benevolent Autobots, and specifically their leader, Optimus Prime. His typical non-robot forms are as a pistol and a giant tank, but as a robot, his fusion cannon can cause masses of damage, to the point that it can even fire anti-matter, capable of obliterating smaller planets (though this will leave him vulnerable afterwards). In addition to his awesome array of weaponry, Megatron is also a supremely intelligent strategist and war general, using his transforming abilities to trick the Autobots on occasion, and kick-starting the Cybertronian Civil War several million years ago, the effects of which are still being felt today.

69. Mister Sinister

Mister SinisterFIRST APPEARANCE: UNCANNY X-MEN #221 (1987) Mister Sinister has superhuman physical and mental prowess as a result of being a genetically engineered being, allowing him to not just manipulate the minds of whoever he sees fit, but he can also use telekinesis to project energy. Furthermore, he has complete cellular control over himself, allowing him to shape-shift, teleport and become invulnerable to attacks. In addition, he has a genius-level intellect, with particular interests in physics, biology and genetics. Sinister was initially conceived by X-Men writer Chris Claremont, who had become bored of the arbitrariness of Magneto being the primary antagonist. As a result, Sinister is a rather unconventional villain, and unlike most comic book baddies, he is nevertheless aware of the potential of his own mortality, and so has prepared several safeguards, such as enlisting a number of children to become hosts to his molecular form should he ever be destroyed.

68. Omega Red

Omega RedFIRST APPEARANCE: X-MEN #4 (1992) Omega Red has a lot of the regular superhero attributes - insane levels of strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes - but he's also able to weaken nearby foes with his so-called Death Spores, pheremones which will kill humans in mere seconds, and severely weaken superheroes, depending on their relative health and strength. Omega's arms also contain coils made of carbonadium (an element similar to though not quite as strong as adamantium), which can be used to capture victims and also attack them, like a whip. Red's red armour allows him to withstand enormous levels of damage, such that he has even been able to take on Wolverine for extended battles without missing a step, even resisting his adamantium claws. His major flaw, however, is that to ensure that his Death Spores are as effective as humanly possible and he stays healthy, Reds constantly has to drain victims of their life force, effectively sustaining his own.
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