100 Greatest Comic Book Villains Of All Time

79. Annihilus

AnnihilusFIRST APPEARANCE: FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #6 (1968) Annihilus is capable of flight, and is distinguished best by his insect-like exoskeleton armour, which allows him to withstand considerable attacks, as well as his Cosmic Energy Rod, allowing him to pick apart and alter the very molecular structure of matter. This is generally used for explosive attacks, and possession of the rod also grants Annihilus essentially immortality (to the extent that even if he dies, he is quickly resurrected once again), as it brings the ageing process to a halt. His immense power has allowed him to defeat the lines of The Thing and Thor in combat, and he has even been among the few to withstand an attack from Galactus. In addition to his own abilities (and considering that he doesn't do a whole lot of fighting himself), Annihilus commands a 200-strong army of Centurions, who will heel to his every whim, and have proven to be extremely effective in combat.

78. Vulture

VultureFIRST APPEARANCE: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #2 (1963) The Vulture has taken on many names and forms over the years, though the best known iteration is without question the elderly Adrian Toomes, an extremely intelligent and resourceful inventor who was ripped off by his business partner, and so decided to venture into a life of crime in order to stay above water. Using the Vulture suit, Toomes is able to fly around with extreme versatility, as well as withstand attacks that no man his age should be able to, while benefiting from superhuman strength also. In some variations of the character, the electromagnets have gifted Toomes with some abilities even without use of the harness, and in one instance, Vulture has even been able to spit acid out of his mouth. Though vulnerable due to his accelerated age, he's not one to underestimate.

77. Toad

ToadFIRST APPEARANCE: UNCANNY X-MEN #4 (1964) In his original comic book form, Toad was one of the weaker and more pathetic X-Men villains, suffering from a hunchback and serving as Magneto's foot-stool. However, with the release of 2000's movie smash X-Men (the one that started the comic book movie trend), the character slowly altered to be more in line with the cinematic equivalent, boasting a more charismatic demeanour as well as far more flamboyant abilities, such as a long tongue, toxic saliva and super agility. Toad can leap superhuman heights with ease, though one of his most versatile and singular attributes is his tongue, which can extend to around 25 feet, and in the comics once killed a man by coiling around and them squeezing him, not unlike a boa constrictor. One of his more silly powers involves him being able to communicate with amphibian creatures, using them as spies.
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