11 Essential Comics To Read If You Love Batman

5. Batman And Robin: Reborn

Batman and Robin Reborn
DC Comics

Grant Morrison is one of the best writers of the modern era, and, while his work does have something of a marmite quality to it, if it is your thing then it's bound to make for a really enjoyable experience.

Indeed, the Morrison run was famous for its smart reintroduction of silver age elements into the modern era, turning once cooky ideas into believable and indeed exciting aspects of the character. He also (spoiler!) killed off Bruce Wayne during the closing moments of Final Crisis, which left Dick Grayson to pick up the pieces and become the new Batman.

He, along with Bruce's al Ghul son, Damian, would become the new Batman and Robin during the 'Reborn' era of DC's Bat-books. And while it's not 'Batman' in the traditional sense, it's an amazing story-arc to read - one made all the more engaging by the beautiful pencils of Frank Quitely and the others who lent their talent to the series.

Morrison's run on the character is lauded for plenty of reasons, but his stint on Batman and Robin is most definitely its high point. If you can stand the thought of having someone other than Bruce under the cowl, it's well worth the read but, even if you don't, it's worth exploring. It's that good.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.